David E Price Jr
Contact Info:
Phone: 810-937-9649
Email: depricejr@gmail.com
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Studio ID # CT00824344
Studio Information
De’ Price is Right Studio is currently a part-time studio based in my home in Columbiaville, Michigan. I have recorded artists such as: The Joyful Sounds Quartet; pianist Jean Willard; pianist David Rambaum, The Holy Mountain Boys, soloist James Bruney, pianist Steve Ratliff, and several other local artists such as Redeemed Quintet from Yale, Michigan. David is also available to work as producer with you and/or your group.
Complete studio information can be found at www.depriceisright.com
Studio Time: $27.00 per hour
Contact us for special package pricing.
Other services available by request
such as graphic design, producer services,
orchestration, etc. Contact us
for complete pricing information.
We also offer LP or Cassette to CD transfer. Call for pricing.